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The 6S Team

It takes a family...


Gay Davison & Bob Maupin

Gay has been around horses her whole life and has always supported her children in their equestrian goals. She has helped Success Performance Horses grow and develop into the program to be proud of. Gay teaches our special needs classes through Limitless Equine Program. 

Bob is the epitome of a swiss army knife. He is there when you need him and can do just about anything you ask of him. He has been a huge part in growing 6S. He handles all the finances and budgeting for the organization. He's always so supportive of our endeavors and is there to help along the way. 


Hayley Davison

Hayley is our Success Performance Horses' trainer and show team instructor. Her specialties are colt starting, finishing and problem solving. She has trained horses for every discipline but specializes in all around performance showing and ranch riding. 


Sarah Read

Although Sarah isn't blood related, we sure like to think she is a part of the family! Sarah is our Beginner Horse Riding Instructor. She has a background in performance horses and reining horses. She helps promote independence and horsemanship throughout her lessons. Sarah is a great advocate and Success Performance Horses' team member. 

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